How to Heal Units in HUMANKIND

How to Heal Units in HUMANKIND

The primary goal of HUMANKIND is to elevate humanity as a whole into a cultural revolution, accomplished by mushing a bunch of different cultures and time periods together into a single, inter-connected world. Thing is, as both history and reality television has taught us, when you stick a bunch of really different people in a single world together, they’re gonna be at each other’s throats soon enough. When that happens, you need to know how to take proper care of your people. Here’s how to heal units in HUMANKIND.

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How to Heal Units in HUMANKIND

The good news is that, under the right conditions, your units will heal themselves. When units have the “Supplied” status, their HP will automatically restore by 20 points every turn. However, units can only get the Supplied status when they’re stationed in allied territory. It makes sense; it’s your territory, so they have access to medicine and supplies, while they have no such benefit out in hostile territory. 

As such, it falls to you to ensure that your units have friendly zones to fall back to when things get hairy. This is why it’s so important to either conquer territories or form alliances with other nations. If you don’t have any safe havens beyond your own explicitly owned territory, there won’t be anywhere safe for your units to rest. 

If you click on your Units and select the Regroup option, they’ll return to the nearest allied territory and remain there until their health has refilled completely. If the Regroup button is greyed out, it means there’s no safe haven within walking distance. Make sure to maintain awareness of who is and isn’t your friend on the map so you always know where you can send your boys for a patch-up. 

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.