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How to Get Growlithe Fur in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Growlithe fur all.

I was always a dog person until, by mere coincidences, I adopted three kittens, and currently I have three grown cats in my house. Call me everything you want, I love those guys like if they were my kids, and I don’t have any. Anyway, I still have that dog person in me, albeit a second-hand one (dogs are quite demanding), so naturally when I grew up with the Pokémon anime, Growlithe was one of the Pokémon I wished were real, so I can have one. Minus all the flame-throwing, of course. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Growlithe Fur can be very useful for multiple purposes. Here is how to get Growlithe Fur in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

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How to Get Growlithe Fur

In order to get Growlithe fur to craft your Technical Machines and teach new moves to your Pokémon, you will have to pay a visit to the source of that fur. That is, of course, the Growlithe themselves. Growlithe, in spite of being a returning Pokémon, is a very commonly found Pokémon in Paldea. You will find Growlithe just as soon as you finish the tutorial. You will be able to find Growlithe in the eastern side of Paldea. Look specifically for Southern Province (Area Three) or Eastern Province (Area Three). You can find them in rocky areas during the days. In order to collect their fur, you’re going to need to battle the Growlithe and either capture or defeat them. They will drop 1 to 3 units of Growlithe Fur.

Related: How to Get Drowzee Fur in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Now that you know how, be sure to locate those Growlithe. I can just picture it now: a whole legion of Growlithe, being my best friends in the world. With a lot of fur on top, of course.

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is available on Nintendo Switch. If you like our Pokémon content, be sure to check out Where to Find Peanut Butter in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and Best Fire-Type Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet.

Image of Alejandro Josan
Alejandro Josan
A musician with a heart of a gamer, Alejandro's life has always been accompanied by adventures on Nintendo platformers, countless hours of fantasy RPGs and several third-party FPSs. Currently, he is studying Game Design and Development, preparing for a long career in the video game industry.