In a new video from Nintendo, they announced two new doctors and a new assistant are coming to Dr. Mario World. Dr. Roy and Dr. Larry will be joining the lineup and doctors, while Ant Trooper will be joining the assistants.
Dr. Roy and Dr. Larry
Dr. Roy’s ability in stages mode will destroy 7 crates at random, while his versus mode ability sends 2 crates to the opponent.

Dr. Larry’s ability in stages mode will destroy 7 colored crates at random, while his versus mode ability sends 2 colorful crates to the opponent.

Ant Trooper
Ant Trooper is the new assistant coming in the new update. His stage mode skill fills skill meter 30% more when four or more viruses are eliminated at the same time. His versus mode skill is if targeted by opponent’s skill, gives a 30% chance of canceling skill effects.

A new event was also announced, Collect Clear Stars Together event asks players to gather as many clear stars as possible for gifts.
Published: Feb 4, 2020 01:23 am