What do you do with the Ruler in Cris Tales?

What do you do with the Ruler in Cris Tales?

By my estimation, rulers are for precisely two things: measuring the length of small objects, and smacking people’s wrists. If I just found a ruler lying around somewhere, I probably wouldn’t think much of it, but a particular ruler found in Cris Tales is more important than you might think. So, what do you do with the ruler in Cris Tales?

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While you’re exploring the old museum at Rysa’s behest, you may uncover an Old Ruler stashed in one of the shelves in a small room. The game doesn’t exactly make clear what this ruler is for or who it belongs to, but as it turns out, the answer is kind of obvious: Oropen, local academic at the University. 

What do you do with the Ruler in Cris Tales?

When you go to speak to him about getting tools for Rojo, you can talk to him again to show him the ruler. He’ll muse on his lost dream of becoming an architect, and on the party’s urgings, decides to pick it up again. Willhelm suggests his first renovation project be the Cathedral, but since the Cathedral is constructed from the local salt deposits, Oropen needs salt samples to get ideas.

This is where you come in. When you visit the Tulira Salt Mine a little later, you’ll need to source two samples of the local salt for Oropen. There are two special piles in the second area of the mine you can gather salt from (don’t ask me why it has to be those two when you’re standing in a literal salt mine). One can be found under the leaking blue pipeline near the entrance to the area, and the other can be found under another blue pipeline on the upper level of the far left of the area. Be careful, after you grab the second sample, you’ll get jumped by monsters.

Return to town and give Oropen the salt samples, and in his future, he’ll become the accomplished architect he was always meant to be.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.