How to Beat the Machine Core in Cris Tales

You can’t have an old-school JRPG without at least one battle against a big ol’ multi-part robot thing. Seriously, name me any JRPG made after 1993, and I guarantee there will be at least one big robot with multiple parts that you can target. As a game inspired by those older JRPGs, it only makes sense that Cris Tales has such an encounter itself. Here’s how to beat the Machine Core in Cris Tales.

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During the conundrums at St. Clarity, Crisbell and company are tasked with investigating the ruby mining site on the nearby Mt. Thisya. Cristopher’s mother, Sophia, has been receiving reports of miners going missing on the mountain, and she suspects foul play. As you march up the mountain, you’ll no doubt notice the giant death hands reaching out of the red ruby-enriched river, snatching monsters and humans alike. Sure enough, the disappearances were caused by a massive mining machine that was programmed by Mayor Enzo to harvest ruby dust from whatever living things were unfortunate enough to pass by. Can’t have that; time to smash!

How to Beat the Machine Core in Cris Tales

The Machine Core is made up of three components: the left and right SMA Arms, and the SMA Core itself, which is our main target. The Arms take up the left and right sides of the field, attacking the party with large slams. After a couple of turns, the Arms will start charging up, and if they both complete charging, they’ll attack the entire party at once. On its turn, the Core will also pop out and use a grip attack on a random party member, paralyzing them for one turn.

As the Arms are mechanical, they’re weak against water and electrical attacks, though physical attacks will also work fine. Lay into one of the Arms (only one, don’t bother trying to get both at once) with your strongest, most effective attacks. If you want, you can use the Rust trick by getting an Arm wet with a water attack and then pushing it into the future, though the fight can still be won without doing this.

When the Arm runs out of health, the Core will pop out on its turn and begin repairing it. The Core is vulnerable to all attacks until it finishes the repairs on its next turn, so go at it with everything you’ve got, preferably including Crisbell and Cristopher’s Water Brand Synchro move, while having Willhelm restore health lost to the other arm with Healing Yucandras. You’ll probably have to do this a few times before the Core breaks, but as long as you focus all of your offense on one of the Arms, you should be able to drag it back out fairly quickly.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.