Sometimes it is a good choice to visit things and places from the past. World of Warcraft con do this and do this in a very specific manner, with their character being more powerful than before. Personally, I enjoy some good old backtracking, specially handling issues in an easier way than before. And when I say issues, I mean raids. Can you solo BFA Raids in Dragonflight? Well, let’s find out, shall we? Yes, we shall.
Can you Solo BFA Raids in Dragonflight?
Being able to visit previous expansions and wipe them out completely thanks to the damage multiplier buff for soloing that older content is one activity that will reward you with transmog options for your gear sets. As a normal rule of thumb, the ability to solo those raids that were only possible to solve previously with a group, happens after two expansions. For that same reason, things could indicate that we can solo Battle for Azeroth raids, since BFA was the seventh expansion, and Dragonlight is the ninth. Well, things are not quite like that.
Currently, there is no damage multiplier boost, you don’t have the ability to fly and, while you can certainly beat some bosses if you are lucky, it is not impossible to currently solo BFA raids. And beating some bosses is a massive thing to do, since it may be possible to do that in a Normal difficulty, but Mythic? No way. You will have to bring some friends with you for now in order to beat the BFA raids. Solo is out of the table, in spite of it checking the two expansion requirement.

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You will just have to wait a little longer. I don’t think it will take until the next expansion for things to experience a significant change, but it is in fact strange that, while other expansions have followed this rule, BFA continues to be as it was. Anyway, time will tell. What will it tell? Nobody knows, that is the nature of the saying after all. And what does that saying mean? Well, it is a fancy way to say “I have no idea what to expect”. Cheers!
World of Warcraft Dragonflight is available on Windows and macOS. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You might also like to check out or guides on Can You Reset Your Profession Specialization in World of Warcraft Dragonflight?, or What Are the Raid Levels in World of Warcraft Dragonflight?.
Published: Feb 24, 2023 04:50 pm