How could you resist a game that lets you kill dozens of Clawers (zombies) per turn? In the complete overrun and overwhelm you’ll experience in this game, you’ll also find glory in taking out many enemies at a time.
How to Engage in Combat in The Last Spell
The Last Spell offers engaging turn-based combat. To begin, place the cursor over the character you’d like to use. Your character will get one or more move actions, which become highlighted (kind of like a chess board). I recommend positioning/moving your characters first, unless there is a strategic reason to move them at the end.
Each turn you get a certain number of actions to use with your three initial characters. This includes your move action, then actions that divided up among your characters. You can cycle through them to make your battle plan and plan out your actions, then enact your plan to do damage, place effects on individual Clawers in the hordes, and take them out at an alarmingly useful pace.
You can also use your actions to build or remove fortifications such as walls, archers, and other structures. One of your objectives is to build Havens — the thread of hope that permeates the game — so non-Clawers like humans can survive the onslaught and protect the wizard creating the spell to erase magic from the world.
You can highlight your potential actions to learn about what each does, and each action has a number below it representing how many times you can use it.
Removing Features on the Field of Combat
You will, at times, want to remove strategic fortifications to create funnels for the Clawers to come through. From there, you can pick them off in smaller numbers if you’re not surrounded.
Remember also that certain actions require mana, so you’ll have to consider that when you’re planning your turn.
Character Advancement in The Last Spell
One of the most intriguing things about character advancement in The Last Spell is that it’s entirely classless. This means that skills and attributes aren’t tied to a character’s starting abilities or class. That said, you get some guidance in the beginning of the game — you obviously want someone who can go far distances and shoot at range, someone who can tank, and someone who can really make the most of the roguelite elements of the game.

However, your needs may change as the onslaught continues. Each night is different, and while the Clawers aren’t exactly smart, they do bring new types of friends and attack at different angles and in different numbers.
Leveling up is as intuitive as it is versatile in this game — so many things are just point and click to expand or add. this makes learning a fast process, even though the complexity of the game increases pretty quickly. I keep comparing it to Tetris for this reason, and because the soundtrack can get you in the zone of concentration.
Early game, I recommend focusing on a mana increase, especially for any characters who are not in the fray regularly. You’ll rely on them for an extra push when a horde gets to be just too much.
On this screen you can also equip items you find each time the game progresses. Keep track of the status effects that really annoy you or slow your character down, and as you advance, look for spells or items to prevent those effects from affecting your character.
Everything is a simple point and click in this game, and it’s also turn-based. If you panic, you always have time to click through your characters and rethink your plan. Once you click, you’re committed.
We hope you enjoyed our guide to combat and leveling your character in The Last Spell. Please check out Gamer Journalist on Facebook to join the discussion and keep up to date with our content. You may also want to check out our guide to SpellForce: Conquest of Eo.
Published: Mar 10, 2023 09:59 am