SMITE Shadow Howler Hun Batz

SMITE Shadow Howler Hun Batz is now available in Prime Gaming

Prime Gaming just added their latest Smite reward, an exclusive Shadow Howler Hun Batz skin! Twitch Prime subscribers can head on over to the Prime Gaming loot page to redeem it. Prime members will be able to unlock a total of thirteen exclusive Smite skins in the coming months. Let’s take a look at how you can redeem the Smite Shadow Howler Hun Batz skin.

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How to get the Shadow Howler Hunt Batz skin in SMITE

To get the Shadow Hower Hun Batz skin in SMITE, you must be an Amazon Prime subscriber. Prime members can visit the Prime Gaming SMITE loot page to look at all the exclusive skins and claim them. 

All you need to do is link up your Hi Rez Studios account with Twitch. To do that, log in to your account on SMITE’s website and click on the “Link” button. Follow the on-screen instructions and confirm the link between your Hi-Rez and Twitch accounts. When your accounts are linked, you will be able to redeem the rewards from the Prime Gaming page. All rewards automatically show up in your account and should appear in-game.

The exclusive skins are available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC. So long as you properly link up your account and have a Twitch Prime membership, you should have no issues redeeming the new SMITE Shadow Howler Hun Batz skin!

Make sure to check back for new updates and exclusive skin giveaways. There are 13 exclusive skins in total, which are only available for Prime members!
