Not all crossword clues are created equal, and some hints may pose a challenge. If you’re stuck scratching your head and looking for the answer to any of today’s clues daily grid, we’ve got you covered. We have all of the answers for today’s clue below, in case you need some help figuring it out. No matter which puzzle you’ve come across with this clue, we should have the word to fit the grid.
Crossword clues can have multiple answers in different puzzles depending on the publication. For that reason, you may see multiple answers below. In that case, you’ll want to count the letters available in your grid for the word and match it to the answers. Here are all the known answers for the Pretend Shot, in Basketball Lingo crossword clue to help you solve today’s puzzle.
Pretend Shot, in Basketball Lingo Crossword Answer
The answer to the Pretend Shot, in Basketball Lingo crossword clue is:
- UPFAKE (6 letters)
The clue and answer above was last seen on March 7, 2022. This Crossword clue and answer can appear in popular crosswords such as the NYT Crossword, LA Times Crossword, The Washington Post Crossword, Wall Street Journal Crossword, and many more.
Pretend Shot, in Basketball Lingo Crossword Clue Answers FAQ
What is an up-fake?
An up-fake is a fake move where a player makes an upward movement to simulate a shot to bait a block or other action from an opposing player.
For more crossword clue answers, you can check out our website’s Crossword section. We also have related posts you may enjoy, such as the NYT Mini answers, the daily Jumble answers, Wordscapes answers, and more.
Published: Mar 7, 2022 03:38 am