When a game franchise switches up the genre of the game, it’s usually met with disdain and disagreement. That is not the case however for Ryu Ga Gotoku studio(RGG), the dev’s behind the Yakuza series. Their latest entry into the world of Kamurocho, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, swapped up the usual beat ’em up style gameplay with turn-based persona style mechanics. Fast forward a few years and we see the re-release of Like a Dragon: Ishin. A game that was originally released exclusively in Japan back in 2014 for the PS4, but has been re-released for current gen consoles with a myriad of quality of life and graphical updates. Since the last game released by the team was a different game mechanically, many fans have wondered: is Like a Dragon: Ishin turn based?
Is Like a Dragon: Ishin Turn Based? Answered

Even though they share similar game titles, Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Like a Dragon: Ishin are completely separate games. Meaning, their stories aren’t connected directly whatsoever. Much like Yakuza: Dead Souls, Ishin aims to have a self contained story, not affecting the longstanding Yakuza storyline. That being said, one can simply look at when the original version of the game came out to determine the style of gameplay.
Related: Is Baka Mitai in Like a Dragon: Ishin?
RGG studio didn’t decide to make the switch to turn-based gameplay in any of their games until Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Because of this, Like a Dragon: Ishin is not a turn based game. Like it’s original release, the game continues the usual Yakuza brawl fighting gameplay. The re-release does add mechanics very similar to the Yakuza Kiwami remakes. Having multiple fighting styles with their own skill trees, as well as a beautiful touch-up on the graphics in Unreal Engine 4. Going forward, it seems that RGG studio has plans to shift the gameplay of the mainline Yakuza series for good. Even going so far as to not even call them ‘Yakuza’ games anymore. Fans of the old school style of gameplay will have to wait for Like a Dragon: Gaiden for more beat ’em up goodness.
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Published: Feb 21, 2023 10:58 am