Image Via Bungie

How to Fix Destiny 2 Error Code: BEE

Buzz Buzz.

In due time, you learn that there is rarely any rhyme or reason involved in naming error codes. In fact, my current hypothesis is that they are all named after random animals or objects. This is further proven by the existence of error codes LION and FLY in addition to error code BEE. Thankfully, this error code seems simple to fix, but at the same time, there are cases where it might be un-fixable. Read on to learn how to fix the problem that results in error code BEE in Destiny 2.

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How to Fix Destiny 2 Error Code: BEE

According to Bungie, error code BEE can be caused by “general disconnections between you and the various routes your traffic takes across the internet to get to Bungie. … It can even be caused by certain WiFi setups, faulty in-home wiring, or other issues that require on-site support or expert investigation.”

So, the best means of correcting this error might seem obvious. To start, try disconnecting other devices from the router you’re using to play Destiny 2. It could be a lack of bandwidth is causing this error code. If this doesn’t solve the problem, it might be best to try and do a full restart of your router. The last option you can try is — and, you might already be doing this — connect using an ethernet cable. If none of these fix your specific issue, you might be best off contacting Bungie support directly, because the issue may be something unique to you.

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Image of James Herd
James Herd
James has been playing games for as long as he can remember. His first game was either The Lion King or The Mask for the SNES. He has since grown into the biggest apologist for JRPGs and he wants to be Yoko Taro for Halloween.