Crossword puzzles are part of the daily routine for lots of people around the world. The NYT mini is a fan-favorite since it’s a small grid and not too difficult. However, you are still likely to come across a clue or two that completely stumps you. We have a list of answers for today’s crossword clues, along with the letter count for each answer to help you fill in today’s grid.
There may be more than one answer below for the having a weapon crossword clue. If you see multiple answers, it’s because the same clue can be used across multiple puzzles to refer to different words. You will find the most recent answer at the top, but make sure to double-check the letter count to make sure the answer fits the grid. Let’s take a look at all the known answers for this clue.
Having A Weapon Crossword Answer
The answer to the Having a weapon crossword clue is:
- ARMED (5 letters)
The clue and answer above was last seen on March 13, 2022, in the NYT Mini. Answers and clues above may be recurring in other crosswords such as the NYT Crossword, LA Times Crossword, The Washington Post Crossword, and others.
Having A Weapon Crossword Clue Answers FAQ
What does armed mean?
According to Oxford Languages, armed means equipped with or carrying a weapon or weapons.
For more crossword clue answers, you can check out our website’s Crossword section. We also have related posts you may enjoy for other games, such as the daily Jumble answers, Wordscapes answers, and 4 Pics 1 Word answers.
Published: Mar 12, 2022 11:13 pm