To quote the wise words of Homestar Runner, April Fools’ Day, at least in its modern incarnation, is the day when the internet gets on the internet to make inside jokes about the internet. April Fools’ Day on the internet has long been a bit of an… obtuse affair, full of weird, occasionally abstract jokes and references that make little to no sense to the casual observer. That’s fine, though; the most important thing is that you get a sensible chuckle out of it. If you’re looking for such a sensible chuckle, here are some of the best April Fools’ Day 2022 pranks in gaming.
Best April Fools’ Day 2022 Pranks in Gaming
Here’s a few of the best April Fools’ Day 2022 Pranks in video games:

To start us off, we have a lovely little entry from our friends over at PC peripheral manufacturer, HyperX. Are you tired of being told you spend too much time on your computer? Have your friends been bugging you to go outside and touch grass? Well, now you can do that without having to leave the comfort of your home thanks to HyperX’s line of “Touch Grass” peripherals, including a set of mossy green keycaps for your keyboard and an equally mossy wireless mouse. It’s an excellent middle ground for those who like to follow the letter of their friends’ whining, if not the spirit.

While we’re still on the subject of the peripherals, all the gabbing about the Metaverse recently has had people wondering what the best way to interact with such a world would be. Surely, you can’t get the true experience with just a mouse or a controller? Surely not! That’s why Razer has unveiled the HyperSense suit, a full body haptic feedback suit with 1,333,337 sensors exactly delivering every virtual impact, cut, and other assorted… stimulations upon your real body. Never before has virtual reality been so delightfully painful!
Among Us

Over on the gaming side of things, it’s about time we all acknowledge how much better everything would be with more horses. Horses are powerful and majestic, and we could only dream to emulate such incredible creatures. Today, InnerSloth has given us the best possible means of doing so: Horse Mode. For today only, everyone who plays Among Us will find their little astronaut person converted into a four-legged wonderbeast. No, they are not sorry for this, if you were wondering. I checked.
House Flipper

But perhaps you’re looking for something a little more practical than horses? A bit more nostalgic even? Well, few things are as nostalgic to millennials like me as 90s sitcoms, and few 90s sitcoms locations are as iconic as the two apartments from Friends. If you’ve ever wanted to take your picture Rachel and Monica’s front door, or marvel at Joey and Chandler’s weird knick-knacks, now you can in the House Flipper Friends Update! Explore the apartments and think back on that time Ross and Monica went on a break (and let me stress this, they were definitely on a break).
Published: Apr 1, 2022 05:20 pm