Image via Avalanche Software

All South Wing Collectibles in Hogwarts Legacy

For those 100% completion addicts

If you are the type of player who enjoys knowing that they have 100% completed the entire game, this one is for you. With the majority of RPGs, players will be able to explore the open-world in its entirety, including finding those hidden secrets from within. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is no different to this. With many collectibles to find by successfully executing your mastered Spells, you will find these items in no time. This is our guide on where to find The South Wing Collectible items in Hogwarts Legacy. With location descriptions and what spells you need to use to obtain the items.

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All Collectibles in The South Wing of Hogwarts

We recommend hitting these Collectible items in order as displayed on the table. As these can all be found within close proximity of one another. You should start at The South Wing Courtyard.

Clock Tower CourtyardCollectible item appears at the Well.Revelio
Clock TowerLevel 1 Locked door on the left side of the Clock Tower room. Use Spell on the Mirror, follow the Butterfly around to the Collectible item.Lumos
Clock TowerCollectible item floating around the main room with the pendulum. Use Spell to bring item to you.Accio
Clock TowerBehind gated wall in the main room. Use Spell on Statue to reveal Collectible item.Levioso
Clock TowerFreeze Pendulum on the left side in the room which will unlock the door on the far-right side of the room.Glacius
Clock TowerOpen main door underneath the pendulum (Level 1 lock). Freeze the pendulum between the third and fourth symbol to unlock the door on the right.Glacius
Clock TowerHead to the very top of the Clock Tower. Use Confringo on the lantern to light it (left side of the room beside the giant cog), use Accio to bring the Collectible item to you.Confringo and Accio
Clock TowerAt the very top of the Tower, where the gears are, go to the side to where the window is. Use Revelio here to get the item.Revelio
Hospital WingHead to the Hospital Wing via the top of the Clock Tower. From the Hospital Wing entrance, use Spell on the Horse Statue.Revelio
Hospital WingIn the room beside the Horse Statue, use Spell on the flying Collectible item.Accio
Hospital WingHead down the stairs from here and use the Spell on the Statue at the end of the staircase to get the next Collectible item.Levioso
Prefect’s BathroomFollowing on from the Hospital Wing staircase, go through the door opposite the Statue and beside the stairs. In the bathrooms, use the Spell against the mermaid live painting on the left wall.Revelio
Faculty TowerUse Spell on the Statue to the left of the bathrooms after exiting. Revelio
Faculty TowerHead down the stairs to the right of the Statue you had just used Revelio on. Go down the staircase until you see a Level 3 locked door on the right. Use Spell on the cage in the corner of the hallway to get the Collectible item.Revelio
Faculty TowerFrom the staircase, turn around to use Spell on the flying Collectible item to bring it to you.Accio
Faculty TowerUnlock the Level 3 door you will have seen when obtaining the last two Collectible items. Use Glacius on the fireplace and go through. Head up the stairs and use Confringo on the lantern to get the Collectible item.Glacius and Confringo
Faculty TowerIn the Level 3 room that you accessed for the previous Collectible item, a chest can be opened on the back-right hand side of the room.No Spell needed
Faculty TowerFollowing on from the previous Collectible items, return to the staircase and head downstairs. Enter the Level 2 room located on the first right as you leave the staircase. Use Spell on the bookcase.Revelio
Faculty TowerFrom the last Collectible item, exit the Level 2 room and continue going down the stairs. Enter the doors at the end of the passage and turn tight. Go to the end of this room and you will find a painting of a Buffalo. Use Spell on it to get the Collectible item.Revelio
Faculty TowerTurn away from the Buffalo painting and go up the staircase. Turn left and head to the end of the hallway, use Spell on the iconic Fat Lady portrait.Revelio
Faculty TowerHead down the staircase at the end of the corridor from the Fat Lady portrait. Go to the bottom of the staircase where they is a Frog Statue. Interact with it to transport to another location. Open chest on the right-side of the room.No Spell needed
Faculty TowerExit Frog room by dropping down onto the staircase below. Go to the large painting at the end of this passage. Do not go up the staircase. Use Spell on the Map of Argyllshire painting to get Collectible item.Revelio
Faculty TowerUse Depulso on the button above the Map of Argyllshire painting. Enter the room and use Lumos on the mirror in the back-left corner of the room. Exit the room and turn left, going down the stairs. Circle around and head into the toilets. Follow the butterfly from here, back to the mirror. You will get the Collectible item by doing this.Depulso and Lumos
Faculty TowerExit the butterfly room and go left, down the stairs. Use Spell on the Statue underneath the staircase.Revelio
Faculty TowerFollowing on from the previous Collectible, light the lantern opposite the Statue, next to another map painting.Confringo
Faculty TowerHead back to the bathrooms where you would have done the butterfly puzzle for a previous Collectible. Use Spell on the door to obtain another item.Revelio
Great HallHead out the Hall via the double doors on the right-hand side of the room. Now outside, head down the stairs and turn right. A Statue can be seen between staircases. Use Spell to obtain Collectible item.Levioso

We hope this guide was helpful in where you can find all South Wing Collectible items in Hogwarts Legacy. For more guides on this game, we have: How to Solve All Irondale Treasure Vault Puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy and All Landing Platform Locations in Hogwarts Legacy available to read. You can also follow us at Gamer Journalist on Facebook if you would like to stay up to date on all of our upcoming content.

Image of Hadley Vincent
Hadley Vincent
Hadley is a Freelance Writer for Gamer Journalist. They have been with the company since October 2022. With a BSc Honors in Psychology, Hadley focuses their creativity and passion for Video Games by primarily covering Horror, FPS, and anything with a great narrative. You will often find Hadley covering the latest indie horror games or deploying into Call of Duty's DMZ. They love a good story and one that can keep them up at night, be that for its scares or its lore.