Does Scarlet Nexus Have Character Creation?

If there’s a single major disconnect between western RPGs and eastern RPGs, it’s how important a singular character is to the story. In a lot of western RPGs like Fallout or Elder Scrolls, your character is customizable because their backstory isn’t as important as what you do as them. JRPGs tend to have a greater emphasis on static storylines, so there’s less wiggle room to make a character look like whatever you want them to. On that subject, does Scarlet Nexus have character creation?

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If that little lead-in didn’t tip you off, no, Scarlet Nexus does not have any kind of character creation functionality. Unlike, say, Code Vein, Scarlet Nexus specifically follows the stories of its two protagonists, Yuito Sumeragi and Kasane Randall. These are pre-established characters with pre-established relationships and backstories, so making them faceless player characters doesn’t really work.

Does Scarlet Nexus Have Character Creation?

However, while Scarlet Nexus doesn’t have character creation functionality, it does have character customization. Throughout the game, you can obtain a variety of costume pieces from your protagonist, including hats, masks, gloves, accessories, and more, as well as complete costume changes. These customization options can all be freely swapped out from the Visuals section of the Equipment tab in the pause menu. They won’t affect your stats or gameplay at all, so feel free to dress up Yuito and Kasane however you like. Just because they’re pre-established characters doesn’t mean you can’t dress them like wackos.

As for where you can get customization pieces, they’re all over the place; some are found in chests, some are dropped by enemies, and some are given as rewards for completing certain sidequests. Think of it as an extra incentive to play the game as thoroughly as possible. Search the whole world, and you can put a bunny hat on Yuito.

Image of Daniel Trock
Daniel Trock
Since the first time he picked up a controller as a child, Daniel has been a dyed-in-the-wool gaming fanatic, with a Steam library numbering over 600 games. His favorite pastime, aside from playing games, is doing deep dives on game wikis to learn more about their lore and characters.