Crosswords are supposed to be a peaceful way to start the day but sometimes some clues can really make you want to throw your newspaper or computer or phone. Don’t break your electronics just yet. Instead, we decided to help you vanquish the clue that’s plaguing you.
Crossword clues can have multiple answers if they are used across various puzzles. Depending on the theme, a single hint can also refer to different words in different puzzles. Therefore, the crossword clue answers we have below may not always be 100% accurate for the puzzle you’re working on, but we’ll provide all of the known answers for the Tournament rankings crossword clue to give you a good chance at solving it.
Tournament Rankings Crossword Answer
The answer to the Tournament rankings crossword clue is:
- SEEDS (5 letters)
The clue and answer(s) above was last seen in the NYT Mini. It can also appear across various crossword publications, including newspapers and websites around the world like the LA Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and more.
Tournament Rankings FAQ
What is SEEDS?
The answer “SEEDS” is a fitting response to the clue “Tournament rankings” because, in many tournaments, particularly in sports, participants are often “seeded” based on their skill level or past performance. This seeding determines their initial position in the tournament bracket. Higher seeds are typically considered stronger competitors and are often placed in a way that avoids them facing each other in the early rounds. Thus, the term “SEEDS” is synonymous with the ranking system used in tournaments.
For more crossword clue answers, you can check out our website’s Crossword section. We have a large selection of both today’s clues as well as clues that may have stumped you in the past. Our crossword team is always at work bringing you the latest answers. But we know you just can’t get enough of our word puzzles. Crossword puzzles are just one kind of brain teaser out there. We’re sure you heard of the ever-popular Wordle, but there are plenty of other alternatives as well. You can also enjoy our posts on other word games such as the daily Jumble answers, Wordle answers, or Heardle answers.
Published: May 22, 2024 09:57 am