The first quest you’ll encounter after completing the Final Exam is called Winged Bandit. A few monsters will show up on your map, and you can click on the figure to begin the quest. Thorstein asks you to track down a monster that’s taken his horse. Here’s a guide on how to complete Winged Bandit in The Witcher Monster Slayer.
“On my travels, I came across a young Skellige merchant. He’d been attacked by a flying monster that carried off his horse and his bags along with it. I decided to track it down and help Thorstein—that was the merchant’s name. Recover his possessions.”

How to complete Winged Bandit in The Witcher Monster Slayer
Thorstein will give you Hybrid Oil upon accepting the quest, so make sure to save it until you are ready to defeat the monster. Track down the Griffin by looking for the yellow circle on your map. The circle will shrink a few times as you get closer before the Griffin spawns in the area. You can change your quest location if it’s in an undesirable area.
We recommend being at least Level 5 to attempt this fight. Do not waste your oil on the first attempt because you will most likely die. Instead, practice the battle a few times and get your timing down for perfect parries. When you are comfortable with the fight, equip the Hybrid Oil, Thunderbolt, and Dancing Star (or Basic Bombs) and start the encounter. Dancing Stars make the fight much more manageable, so consider using them.
After defeating the Griffin, speak with Thorstein, and you will join him on a treasure hunt. The next quest is called A Joint Venture, and you can check our guide write-up if you need help.
Also, if you are running low on resources, try adding some friends with our The Witcher Monster Slayer Friend Codes post!
Published: Aug 10, 2021 03:56 pm